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Membership and Guests


Membership, Event Fees & Guest Policy


Membership of the Salisbury Wine Interest Group (SWIG) is open to anyone aged 18 or over upon completion of the Full Membership Application Form and payment of the current annual fee.


There is also a Pay As you Go (PAYG) membership category. No annual fee is payable but there is a supplement of £8 per event. Full Membership is better value if more than three events are attended, and PAYG members do not enjoy the same rights as Full Members - details in our constitution.


Members are allowed to participate in all events organised by SWIG subject to limitations imposed by venue size and the number of samples in a bottle of wine. Generally SWIG operates a first come, first served approach.


Full Members are permitted to bring guests to events.  The member is responsible for ensuring their guests are aged 18 or over, for the behaviour of their guests, and advising them about the need to comply with applicable laws and regulations. 


It is important that Full Members have priority when booking events, so guest and PAYG bookings will only be confirmed if places remain one week after the event notification is sent out by the Membership Secretary. 


The tasting fee is usually £20 per person but may be less or more expensive dependent on the wines tasted. 


A Guest Fee of £5 is payable in addition to the tasting fee, if a guest has attended more than one event in the calendar year.  If a guest wishes to join SWIG immediately following the event, the supplement will be refunded.


Special events are priced individually. There is no supplement for guests, but member bookings take priority as above.

New Members


Prospective new members can taste before committing to full membership, by joining as a PAYG member, or by coming as a guest of an existing Full Member.


If you would like to join as a Full Member:


1    Complete the Full Membership Application Form                 (below) and email a scanned copy (or photograph) to       the Membership Secretary at

2    Pay the relevant fee as advised by the Membership           Secretary.

3    The Membership Secretary will advise of events and           the booking process - details on our About page


If you prefer to taste before committing join as a PAYG Member


1     Complete the PAYG Application Form (below) and              email a scanned copy (or photograph) to the                    Membership Secretary at

2     The Membership Secretary will advise of events and          the booking process - details on our About page


If you would like to become a Full Member after attending an event as a PAYG Member, or as a guest, then the PAYG or Guest Fee for that month's event will be credited as set out in the constitution.    


Membership Fees


The membership year runs from July 1st to June 30th in the following year.


Membership fees are agreed at the AGM and renewals are due for payment on April 1st.  The Membership Secretary will send reminder emails with payment information following the AGM.


Current Full Membership fees are:


Individual membership £15​


PAYG fee £8

Guest fee £5


New Members

Fees are pro-rated to June 30th. The appropriate fee and payment details will be advised by the Membership Secretary.

Full Membership application form

PAYG membership form

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